This can also be found in the interiors of the continents i.e. between latitudes 450 and 60°North & South of the equator. It is however called different names wherever they occur: In Russia – they are called “Steppes” In North America – they are called “Prairies”. In Australia – they are called “Downs”. In South …

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Tropical Moonsoon Climate

TROPICAL MOONSOON CLIMATE: Lies between latitude 23½°N and 23½°S of the equator. Areas found are Southern China, Pakistan, India, Thailand and Northeast Australia. Hot Deserts Climate: Lies between latitudes of 15° and 30°N and S of the equator. Areas found are Sahara desert, which is largest, Namib Desert, Mexican desert, etc. The Warm Temperate Climate: …

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Tropical Continental Climate

This is also known as Sudan climate. It is located between latitudes 5°and 1 5°N and S of the equator. It occupies about 2/3 of the whole continent of Africa covering places like West Africa, East Africa, Central America, North Western part of South Africa, Northern Australia, interior up land of Brazil etc. Features of …

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The Hot Climate

THE HOT CLIMATE: This lie between latitudes 30°N and 30°S of the equator. This type of climate is sub-divided into (i) Equatorial Climate. (ii). Tropical Continental. (iii). Tropical Monsoon. (iv). Hot Deserts. Equatorial Climate is located within latitude 5°N and 5°S of the equator. Areas found are Amazon Basin, South Africa, Zaire Basin, Congo Basin …

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Koppen’s Clamatic Classification

KOPPEN’S CLASSIFICATION: The five climatic zones here are equally based on temperature and rainfall. i. Tropical Rainy Climate: This is the zone A” which has a monthly temperature of about 18°C and receives heavy rainfall throughout the year. ii. Dry climates: This is also termed the “zone B”, with high temperature of about 30° and …

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