KOPPEN’S CLASSIFICATION: The five climatic zones here are equally based on temperature and rainfall.
i. Tropical Rainy Climate: This is the zone A” which has a monthly temperature of about 18°C and receives heavy rainfall throughout the year.
ii. Dry climates: This is also termed the “zone B”, with high temperature of about 30° and receives little rainfall.
iii. Warm Temperate Rainy Climate: This is the “zone C” which is otherwise known as the Humid Mesothermal climates. This zone has a low monthly temperature that is less than 18°C though it receives some winter rain and summer drought.
iv. Cool Temperate Climate: This is the “zone D” which has a low monthly temperature that is less than 10° but receives moderate rainfall. It is also called the Micro-thermal climates.
v. Polar/Ice Climates: This is “zone E” and has a monthly temperature below 1 0°C.