THE HOT CLIMATE: This lie between latitudes 30°N and 30°S of the equator.
This type of climate is sub-divided into (i) Equatorial Climate. (ii). Tropical Continental. (iii). Tropical Monsoon. (iv). Hot Deserts.
Equatorial Climate is located within latitude 5°N and 5°S of the equator.
Areas found are Amazon Basin, South Africa, Zaire Basin, Congo Basin of central Africa etc.
Features of the Hot Climate
- The area is characterised with high uniform temperature throughout the year. Daily temperature is about 26°C while the annual temperature is about 3°C
- Rainfall is generally high (convectional rainfall) and well distributed throughout the year.
- The relative humidity of the area is constantly high (over 80%).
- Human activities carried out are fishing, hunting, lumbering etc. Plantation agriculture like rubber, Cocoa and Oil Palm.
- Distinct dry season is rare because no month that passes without a rainfall.