Cold Climate

This type of climate mostly occurs in the Northern hemisphere. lt lies between latitude 50° & 65°C north of the equator. Areas found are Canada, Norway, Sweden, Finland and most especially in Siberia in Asia where the predominant vegetation is coniferous forest. This of course gives it the name “Siberian Climate” Features of Cold Climate: …

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This can also be found in the interiors of the continents i.e. between latitudes 450 and 60°North & South of the equator. It is however called different names wherever they occur: In Russia – they are called “Steppes” In North America – they are called “Prairies”. In Australia – they are called “Downs”. In South …

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Tropical Moonsoon Climate

TROPICAL MOONSOON CLIMATE: Lies between latitude 23½°N and 23½°S of the equator. Areas found are Southern China, Pakistan, India, Thailand and Northeast Australia. Hot Deserts Climate: Lies between latitudes of 15° and 30°N and S of the equator. Areas found are Sahara desert, which is largest, Namib Desert, Mexican desert, etc. The Warm Temperate Climate: …

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Tropical Continental Climate

This is also known as Sudan climate. It is located between latitudes 5°and 1 5°N and S of the equator. It occupies about 2/3 of the whole continent of Africa covering places like West Africa, East Africa, Central America, North Western part of South Africa, Northern Australia, interior up land of Brazil etc. Features of …

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The Hot Climate

THE HOT CLIMATE: This lie between latitudes 30°N and 30°S of the equator. This type of climate is sub-divided into (i) Equatorial Climate. (ii). Tropical Continental. (iii). Tropical Monsoon. (iv). Hot Deserts. Equatorial Climate is located within latitude 5°N and 5°S of the equator. Areas found are Amazon Basin, South Africa, Zaire Basin, Congo Basin …

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