Youth Empowerment is a situation where the youth acquire knowledge that enables them to gain the ability, authority and opportunity to take initiative and make informed decisions freely, be aware of the implications of their decisions and take or accept responsibility for the outcome of their decisions and then effect change in their own lives and in the lives of others.

Youth Empowerment can therefore be broadly defined as a multi-dimensional social process that is intended to make the youths gain control over their own lives through the acquisition of life-changing skills that will enable them to live a useful and sustainable life.

It is a process that is geared towards training and imparting skills and! or inducting individuals or groups of individual persons into life-sustaining occupations/professions, to enable them to have a means of livelihood.

Youth empowerment can also be defined as an attitudinal, structural and cultural process whereby young people gain the ability, authority and opportunity to make decisions and effect change in their own lives and in the lives of others and the community in general.

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