1. Human rights are inalienable:
The inalienability of human rights simply means that human rights cannot be surrendered or taken away, hence, they are indispensable. Human rights are the essential elements for the harmonious and peaceful existence of human beings.
2. Human rights are universal in nature:
Human rights are rights which every person should have, and it is upon this principle that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Universality of human rights implies that every human being, irrespective of race, colour or religion, is created equal and as such should be free from indignity, oppression, discrimination and other forms of inhuman conditions. What is good for the goose is also good for the gander.
3. Human rights are natural:
This simply means that human rights are not bought, sold or inherited they are natural to every person whether or not the constitution of a country recognizes them. Human beings are born to be free and as such should not be made to live under any form of bondage that will most likely deter them from co-existing happily.
4. Human rights are lawful:
Human rights are moral standards which are acceptable by society as good, hence the laws of the land recognize them. Today, many countries of the world have enshrined in their constitution. Human rights are relative: Human rights are subject to checks as they are limited by certain conditions as may be provided by the laws of the land.