Civil Society organisations are nonprofit and non-governmental associations established by various groups of people with the aim of acting in public, interests and championing agendas that benefit the generality of people within a geographical area(s).
They are the various organisations that occupy social space that seek a better society where peace, order, equity and justice are upheld.
Civil society abhors impartiality as they advocate for positive social change, justice and protection of human rights of individual persons, especially the less privileged, the marginalized group and the vulnerable in the society.
Membership in civil society organisations is voluntary; no law compels one to belong. As a non-governmental organization, the civic society relies more on donations in raising funds with which they provide assistance to vulnerable people.
They also use the funds generated through donations to pursue their program by creating awareness or sensitizing the general public on what will benefit them, and fight some obnoxious policies of the government.
Organisations and institutions that make up civil societies are:
i. the labour unions;
ii. non-profit organisations;
iii. professional bodies;
iv. churches;
v. NGOs (non-governmental organisations);
vi. the Rotary clubs;
vii. the family to which one belongs.