COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS: Is an association that consists of all independent nations that were colonized by Britain.
- To foster friendly relations among member states.
- To promote economic development of members.
- To promote sportsmanship among member states.
- To encourage defense co-operation among member states.
- To provide scientific co-operation among states.
- To respect and protect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of member states.
PRIME MINISTER’S CONFERENCE: This is the highest organ of this association, which consists of Heads of states and governments of member states or their accredited representatives.
- The prime minister’s conference has the power to sanction or suspend any erring member state.
- Deliberates on vital issues affecting member states.
- Appoints the Secretary-General.
- Receives and approves the association’s budget.
THE SECRETARIAT: This is the administrative office of the commonwealth. It has as the head, a Secretary-General who is assisted by other staff of member states. The secretariat was established in London in the year 1965.
- Organizes conferences of Heads of states and government of member states.
- Performs the administrative functions of the association and also keeps member-states
- The secretariat also sees to the promotion of commonwealth co-operation especially in trade and tourism.
- Led to more trade-operation among member states.
- Has also encouraged co-operation in educational research and inter-change of scientific personnel and knowledge among member states.
- The association has served as a forum for promoting friendly relations in the area of sports among member states.
- The commonwealth has helped member states in granting financial and technical aids.
- The association has helped to promote economic development of member states.
- No effective means of enforcing the association’s resolution.
- Political instability in some member states.
- Problem of regional organizations weakens the commonwealth.
- Foreign policies of member-states.
- The attitude of Britain in the South Africa apartheid enclave.
- No common currency among member states.
- Secession problem.
- Lack of standard rules and regulations caused by the absence of charter by the association.