The Origin of Computer

The chronological order in the development of computer is summarized below: 500 BC: The Abacus machine was used in Egypt. But the history dates back to china around 200 BC. It is know in China as Sounpan; and called Sovoban in Japan. 1614: An English man called John Napier developed a computer called Napier’s bone. …

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Computers Operating Modes

This is the term used to describe the different methods of using computer, operating it and communicating with it. The several methods of operating computers are: Batch processing: Here, the programs and data are processed in groups, that is only when all the necessary input are ready. Time – Sharing: Here, the processing time is …

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Classification by size

(a) Super computers (b)Mainframe (c) Mini computers and (d) micro-computer. Features of super computers are: (i) They are the largest type of computers (ii) They are very fast in performance. (iii) They are very expensive (iv) They require special installation procedure. Features of the Mainframe (i) It is less expensive compared to super computer. (ii) …

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Classification by type

By type, computers are classified as follows: (a) Analogue (b) Digital and (c) Hybrid. A. Analogue Computers: These are computers that operate on data in the form of continuous variable physical quantity like the temperature, pressure and voltage. The value changes continuously. B. Digital Computers: This type of computer process data in discrete forms. They …

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Classification by Purpose

The two forms by which computer can be classified based on its purpose are: a. Special purpose and b. General purpose a. Special Purpose: It is solely designed for applications. It runs on programs designed to produce the required output for the implementation of that single application. Areas to find this is research centers, e.g. …

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