Chemical properties of methane

1. The bum in oxygen to form water and carbon (iv) oxide

CH4(g) + 2O2(g)  →   CO2(g) + 2H2O(L)

2. They are undergo substitution reaction with chlorine in presence of ultraviolet light

CH4(g) + CL2(g) →  CH2CL2(g) + HCL(g)

CH2CL2(g) + CL2(g) →  CH2CL2(g) + HCL(g)

CH2CL2(g) + CL2(g) →  CHCL3(L) + HCL(g)

CHCL3(L) + CL2(g) →  CCL4(L) + HCL(g)

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