The Solar System

The solar system is the name astronomers gave to the sun and all the planets that revolve round it in an elliptical orbit with their attending satellites. The planets look like stars, but they are quite different. The word planet comes from an ancient Greek word meaning ‘wandering-star”. All the planets move round the sun …

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Relevance of Geography to Mankind

Geography teaches us how the earth is made. It also enables us to know about the physical features of our various environments. It exposes unto different careers in life. The study of geography also teaches us what materials the earth’s consists of, how these materials were made and what changes have occurred to the earth …

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Scope of Geography

Geography as a field of study is made up of other areas of study such as: Geology is the scientific study of the earth and the historical origin of rocks and soil of which the earth is made. Petrology is the study of rocks only. Seismology is the scientific study of earthquakes. Biology is the …

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