Islands of the Ocean Floor

i. Continental Island – rises from the continental shelf. ii. Oceanic Island – rises directly from ocean floor. iii. Coral Island – remains of organic materials. Note: A coral mass is known as a reef. Reef is of three types namely fringing, barrier and atoll reef.

The Relief of the Ocean Basin

he major relief features of ocean floor are: Continental Shelf: are areas of shallow water bordering the continents Continental Slope: The slope leading from the outer edge of the continental shelf to the deep ocean bed. Ocean deep: Are very deep trenches in the floor of the ocean, which forms long, arrow and trough-like depressions …

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Importance of Ocean

Promotes development of seaports. Serves as means of transportation and communication across countries and continents. Provides food for man like Fish, Crayfish and Crabs etc. Promotes educational research in the areas of aquatic animals. Promotes international trade

Meaning of Ocean

An ocean is a great mass of salt water that surrounds the earth’s surface. The people that study ocean are called OCEANOGRAPHERS. Ocean occupies about 71% of the earth’s surface, leaving only 29% as land. Ocean basis a large depression on the earth’s surface, which is filled by a great mass of salt water.

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