Types of Drainage Patterns

1. Dendritic Pattern:

This type of drainage pattern appears like a tree with many branches. It is formed when a consequent river receives a number of tributary streams, such that the streams join the main stream at a fairly acute angle of about 45°. This drainage pattern is produced in area that has homogenous rocks.

2. Trellis Pattern:

This drainage pattern is usually characterized by river capture. It occurs as a result of alternate layers of hard and soft rocks thus making the tributaries to flow parallel to the main river at almost right angle direction.

3. Radial Pattern:

This occurs where streams flows in different directions from the watershed like the spoke of a wheel. It is usually found on volcanic cone, which is only slightly denuded.

4. Centripetal Pattern:

This occurs when streams from surrounding highlands flow inwardly into a central depression of lake.

5. Annular Pattern:

This pattern of drainage can be found on naturally dissected dunes that have alternative beds of strong and weak rocks encircling them.

6. Rectangular Pattern:

This is where the main river is joined by all its tributaries at a right angle direction.

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