Relevance of Plains

Plains are rich in mineral resources such as Petroleum, Tin, Coal etc. They are rich in soil nutrient hence very fertile for extensive crop cultivation. They provide good pastures for rearing of animals. They facilitate the development of human settlements. They promote the development of good network of transport and communication routes.

Types of Plains

Depositional Plains Depositional Plains are formed by the deposition of materials brought by various agents of transportation like water, wind, glacier etc. They are comparatively level but rise gently towards adjacent highlands e.g. Nile Delta of Egypt, which is known for cultivation of rice and Cotton. These types of plain are further subdivided into: Alluvial, …

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Meaning of Plains

A plain is an expanse or area of lowland either level or undulating, which seldom rises more than a few hundred kilometres above sea level. Plains form the best land of a country. Some plains are rich in soil nutrient and are very fertile for extensive agricultural activities

Types of Plateaux

They are classified or grouped according to their mode of formation and physical appearances. Tectonic Plateaux Tectonic Plateaux are formed by earth movements, which cause the uplift of some areas and the depression of others. Examples are Harz of Germany, the Bolivia plateau in the Andes Mountains of South America. Volcanic Plateaux Volcanic Plateaux are …

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