Methods of Lumbering in Africa

1. Searching of the forest for the species by the lumbermen. 2. Species identified in the forest are then felled either manually or mechanically. 3. Platforms of about 3-4m above the ground are built around the trees with buttress roots. 4. The branches of the felled trees are cut off while the trunks are cut …

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Lumbering in Nigeria and Congo

Lumbering is a well-known economic activity in the forest regions of Nigeria and Congo. Areas of Lumbering Nigeria — Delta, Ondo, Rivers, Edo, Ogun, Cross River State etc The lumbering species found in Nigeria are Mahogany Sapele, Obeche Iroko, Ebony etc. Congo — The province of Equafeur and fun. The Species found here are Mahogany, …

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Climatic Types in Africa

Africa has the following type of climate: 1. Equatorial Hot Climate – This is seen in Zaire Basin of central Africa and in the Coast of West Africa apart from Ghana. 2. Hot Desert Climate – This is seen in the Sahara desert. This region has very high temperature due to the cold current. 3. …

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