Problems of Irrigation

1. The flooding of the Nile may cause damage to farmlands fl the basin. 2. Construction of dams on the Nile also disturbs normal flow of water on the river. 3. The fluctuation in water levels for irrigation purposes may affect the quality crop yield.

Problems of Lumbering in Africa

1. Lumbering could lead to soil erosion. 2. It can also lead to environmental degradation. 3. It leads to indiscriminate destruction of the rainforest regions. 4. It also leads to destruction of important natural game reserve areas. 5. It also leads to high cost of forest trees. suggested Solutions to these Problems 1. Forest guards …

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Importance of Lumbering in Africa

1. Provides Job Opportunities for the lumbermen. 2. Earns the lumbermen reasonable income and at the same time generate5 foreign earnings for a country through export. 3. Lumbering provides raw materials for sawmills. 4. It provides planks for build in of houses, bridges and furnitures. 5. It accelerates road construction especially in the rural areas …

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