Water Resources

These comprise of all water bodies which are of great value to man. Uses of Water Resources Serve as means of transportation. Serve for domestic use. Serve for industrial use. Serve for power generation and as sources of energy. Serve for agricultural purposes like irrigation, fishing etc. Serve as hydroelectric power station. Serve as tourist …

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Mineral Resources

These are natural endowments, found in rocks and weathered layers of the earth. The various types of mineral resources are petroleum (fuel), precious metals, ceramics, fertilizers, construction minerals and metallic metals. Uses of Mineral Resources to the Economy Serve for industrial uses Serve for power generation and as sources of energy Serve as foreign exchange …

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Atmospheric Resources

These comprise of several layers of gases that surrounds the earth. They include wind, rain, gases and solar energy. Uses of Atmospheric Resources They serve as a medium for weather and climate Serve as sources of phototsynthesis to plants. The combination of the various gases provides food for plants. Oxygen as a gas supports human …

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