
Flooding occurs when excess water flows over land that is dry without flowing out easily. Causes: Heavy rainfall poor drainage system etc. Effects: Loss of lives and properties. Control: Construction of good drainage systems.

Desert Encroachment:

Desert Encroachment is the spreading of desert to areas, which were not originally deserts before. Causes: overgrazing excessive bush burning excessive cultivation changes in climate etc. Effects: Displaces people from their original settlement exposes the soil to wind erosion leads to loss of livestock etc. Control: avoid overgrazing deforestation Irrigation etc.


Pollution is the release of substances that could be harmful to man and other living organisms. These substances are released through the air, water and land. Causes: water pollution is caused by oil spillage. air pollution is caused by smoke dust/fumes from industries and noise from loud speakers. land pollution is caused by dumping of …

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Soil Erosion

Soil Erosion is the removal of the topsoil due to the action of wind, rain etc. Causes: Deforestation bush burning excessive rainfall overgrazing etc. Effects: reduces soil fertility wears away the topsoil loss of farmlands destroys roads and other track ways. Control: avoid bush burning & over-grazing plant cover crops like legumes, cowpea etc.


Drought simply means a long period of dry weather due to absence of rainfall. Causes: absence of rainfall absence of cloud cover high rate of evapo-transpiration Effects: leads to loss of livestock poor growth in plants and brings about surface dry up of rivers and streams. Control: Irrigation planting of cover crops averting over-grazing.

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