Classification of Coasts

A coast is a zone or an area bordering land and sea. It is genetically classified into Coastlines of submergence: This is further subdivided into: Ala, Fiords, Dalmatian and Estuarine coast. Coastlines of Emergence — This is also subdivided into: Uplifted lowland and Emergent upland coast. Neutral Coastlines Compound Coastlines Note: Coral Coasts are made …

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Processes of Wave Erosion

1. Hydraulic Action: This is the splitting or breaking down of rocks by the power of waves. 2. Corrosion: This is the wearing down of rocks (foot of cliffs) by particles carried by the wave. 3. Solution: This involves the solvent action of seawater in disintegrating limestone and chalk containing rocks.

Meaning of Wave in Geography

Wave simply means an oscillatory movement of water particles. Waves are caused by wind or similar disturbances on seas or oceans. They rise to a crest and fall to a trough (hollow) until they break on the shore. Note that the distance between one crest and the next crest is called the Wavelength

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