Headers and Footers

They are places to put repetitive information in a document’s top and bottom margin headers; punt at the top and footers at the bottom of a page. To insert header, carry out the following: Select the header and footer options from the view menu. The header and footer toolbar is displayed. Create and edit the …

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Setting margins

The following procedure can be used to change the margin of a document (i) Select the page setup from file menu. (ii) Select the margins tab. (iii) Enter the desire measurement in the top, bottom, left and right boxes. (iv) Click (OK) button to close the dialog box.

Formatting Pages

The following procedure could be used to change the page size and its orientation. (i) Select the page set up from the file menu. (ii) Select the paper size tab. (iii) In the orientation area, select either the portrait or landscape option. (iv) Click on the (OK) button to close the page setup dialog box

Setting tabs

Tabs are used for creating quickly, but electively simple columns. Microsoft words offer five tab-stop types-left, centre, right, decimal and bar tabs. They tire helpful in aligning text and making simple columnar lists. The default tab-stop position is 0.5 inch. Alignment is a way (If organizing the text. It refers to the position of the …

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