Koppen’s Clamatic Classification

KOPPEN’S CLASSIFICATION: The five climatic zones here are equally based on temperature and rainfall. i. Tropical Rainy Climate: This is the zone A” which has a monthly temperature of about 18°C and receives heavy rainfall throughout the year. ii. Dry climates: This is also termed the “zone B”, with high temperature of about 30° and …

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Greek Clamatic Classification

GREEK CLASSIFICATION: The three climate zones are based on temperature as this: i. Torrid/Hot: Areas within the Tropics with a very intense heat throughout the year. ii. Frigid/very Cold: Areas within Polar regions, which have a very cot d temperature throughout the year. iii. Temperate/Mild: Areas within the middle latitudes, which lie between the torrid …

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Land and Sea Breezes

This is mainly restricted to the coastal regions where air temperatures contrast between day and night. Sea Breeze: is the movement of air from the sea to the land during the day Land Breeze: is the movement of air from land to sea at night.


This is the floating mass of minute water — droplets or ice — crystals that are produced by condensation of freezing of water vapour on particles of dust, smoke and salt. Places of equal degree of cloudiness are joined by lines known as ISONEPHS. There are about four types of cloud namely: High Clouds Medium …

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