C.W.O. This means Cash with Order. Buyer must pay as he orders for the goods.

C.O.D.: This means cash on delivery. As the goods are delivered, the buyer has to pay immediately. It is mostly used in mail-order business.

C.I.F.: This means cost, insurance and freight. The price quoted in the catalogue includes
i. Lost of the goods
ii. Insurance as the goods are on transit
iii Cost of transport.

E.&O.E.: This means error and omissions expected. It acts as a kind of protection to the seller. The buyer should inform the seller the errors seen instead of being embarrassed about it.

F.O.R.: This means free on rail. The price quoted includes:
i. cost of the goods
ii. transportation to the railway station only.

F.O.B.: Free on board the ship. The price quoted includes:
i. cost of the goods
ii cost of transportation to the ship.
iii the buyer bears the other responsibilities.

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