Characteristics of Igneous Rock

Igneous rocks have a crystalline nature. This is why they glitter in the sun or look glassy in appearance. The crystalline nature of igneous rocks shows that they contain crystals, Igneous rocks are usually very resistant to erosion and other climatic elements. They are very hard and contain no animal or plant remains (fossils). Igneous …

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Types of Igneous Rock

1. Volcanic (Extrusive) Igneous Rock: This is the type of igneous rock formed as a result of pressure which forces the molten magma to the earth surface. Volcanic igneous rocks cools and solidifies on the earth surface. 2. Plutonic (intrusive) Igneous Rock: This is the type of Igneous rock that is formed with the earth …

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Types of Rocks

IGNEOUS ROCKS IGNEOUS ROCKS are formed as a result of the cooling and solidification of molten magma either on the surface or in the earth crust. When the temperature of the earth is very hot, it melts the rock into thick liquid called molten magma, and when it cools, it becomes solid which forms igneous …

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Classification of Rocks

Rock is the consolidated part of the earth crust, which weathers to release the mineral particles from which soil is formed. The mineral particles form the skeletal framework of the soil. Rocks can also be said to be hard compact mass, which is made up of clusters of either primary or secondary minerals. Primary minerals …

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