The Structure of the Earth

The earth is the planet we live on, but only 29% of the earth’s surface is and, the other 71% is ocean. It is shaped like a large ball; about 12700km in diameter and an atmosphere surrounds it. Note that the atmosphere is divided into: Troposphere (bottom), Stratosphere (middle), Lonosphere and Exosphere. The earth consists …

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International Date Line

This is an imaginary line, which runs North-South approximately 180° meridian in the Pacific Ocean. Whenever the International Date Line is crossed; a whole day is either lost or gained. Traveler’s closing the International Date Line in a West-Ward direction lose a day while those crossing eastward gain a day.

Standard Time

This is the time generally adopted by a particular country, which is usually taken from the central meridian of that country. Standard time is adopted to avert possible confusion in time. Nigeria for instance adopts her standard time on longitude 1 5°E, which is one hour ahead of the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). What this …

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Longitude and Time

The relevance of longitude is basically to calculate local time of places in the world. A globe is supposedly 360°. A complete rotation of the earth takes 24 hours or one day. It passes through 15° in one hour or l° in 4 minutes. Nigeria, for instance, has accepted the meridian of 15°E as her …

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