Elements of Weather & Climate

Temperature This is the degree of hotness or coldness of a place. The instrument used in measuring temperature is called THERMOMETER. Note that there are about four types of thermometer namely: the Maximum thermometer, Minimum thermometer, the wet bulb thermometer and the dry bulb thermometer. A thermometer has the following parts: bulb, mercury, metal index, …

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Weather Station

This is a place where the elements of weather are measured and recorded as accurately as possible, which contains four thermometers. Each station has a Stevenson screen hung on a frame in the centre of the screen.

Weather Definition

WEATHER is described as the atmospheric condition of a geographical area at any given time. It is the state of the troposphere which tells us about temperature, pressure, wind direction and speed, humidity, cloud cover, rainfall and the amount of sunshine of a particular place over a short period of time.

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