Features of the storage devices

a. Hard disk It is located within the CPU Every information of computer is embedded here It is an electronic device that circuit. It stores information ranging from 2000MB Floppy disk or diskettes It can be taken from one place to another. They are not residence in computer system It is very cheap to acquire. …

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Temporary Storage

Temporary Storage it is also called the Random Access Memory. As explained earlier, this is part of computer memory which stores any data coming into the system temporarily. Once, there is any power outage or that the system is shut down, the memory goes off and information is lost. A limited amount of information is …

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Types of Flies

(i) System Files: These are files, which allow the computer to work perfectly. (ii) Application Files: They are files from pro rams written to run on the computer for specific tasks. (iii) Data Files: They are generated as a result of using application files or input.

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