The keywords

They are constants that have special meaning to BASIC compiler. They include all BASIC commands, statements, functions, names and operator name. Refer to 12.7 for a list of keywords used in the BASIC language.

Functional Operators

A function is used in an expression to call a predetermined operation to be performed in an operand They must be used in conjunction with either a statement or a command Examples are shown in table below Functions Meaning SIN (x) The sign of x Cos (x + y) The cosine of the addition of …

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Log Operators

They perform test on multiple relations, bit multiplication or Boolean operators and return a true (non-zero or false zero) value to be used in making decision Table 12.5 shows logical operators and their meanings. below are relational operators and their meaning Operator Operations NOT : Logical Complement AND : Conjunction OR : Disjunction (inclusive OR) …

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Expression and Operators

An expression is a rule for computing a value. Expressions in BASIC are classified into five main categories namely: 1. Arithmetic operation 2. Relational symbols / logic operations 3. Functional operators 4. Punctuation mark 5. Keywords

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