1. It displaces other halogens except for fluorine from their solution.
Kl(aq) + CL 2KCL(aq) + L2(s)
NB: This is test for chlorine
2. It can combine directly with other elements to form chlorides.
2Na(s) + CL2(g) → 2NaCL(s)
H2(g) + CL2(g) → 2HCL(g)
3. It acts as an oxidizing agent.
FeCL2(g) + CL2(g) → FeCL3(g)
Greenish Brownish
4. It reacts with cold dilute alkalis and hot oxochlorate (1) and trioxochlorate ( v) respectively .
NB: Hydroxides and chlorides of the metals. Bleaching powder is formed when chlorine is bubbled through slaked lime.
CL2(g) + Ca(OH)2 → CaOCL2 .H2O(g)
Slaked Lime bleaching powder
NB: Chlorine bleaches by oxidation.