Importance of Mountains to Man

Mountains serve as good sources of rivers e.g Fouta Djallon Highlands and the Cameroon mountains. They are also good sources of valuable minerals like coal. They serve as boundary demarcation. Mountains serve as tourist attraction centres. In the old days, mountains serve as defensive barriers during inter-tribal wars.’They also influence the pattern of settlement among …

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Fold Mountains

FOLD MOUNTAINS are mountains formed when there is a lot of compression or tension on the horizontal strata within the earth crust. Fold Mountains are caused by large-scale earth movement, which results when there is stress within the earth crust. Such stress within the earth crust subjects rocks to compressive forces due to the expansion …

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Residual Mountains

RESIDUAL MOUNTAINS are Mountains that evolve when the general level Of the land has been lowered by the agents of denudation leaving the more resistant areas to remain. A good example of Residual Mountain is Mt. Monadnock in U.S.A., Highlands of Scotland, the Deccan plateau, the ldanre hills etc. Agents of denudation form Residual Mountains …

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Types of Faults

1. Tear Faults – occurs when there is earthquake. Tear faults are horizontal in nature. 2. Normal Faults – caused by tensional forces. Normal faults have vertical shapes. 3. Reverse Faults – caused by compressional forces

Block Mountains

BLOCK MOUNTAINS are mountains caused by faulting when the earth crust cracks. The cracking of the earth crust generates tensional forces that tend to pull the crust apart and so faults are developed. Faults are fractures along line of weakness or break that is longer than usual in the layers of rock in the earth …

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