Microsoft Word (MS-Word)

It is a product of Microsoft Corporation of the United States. Different versions lie: Word 3.1, Word 5, Word 7 and Word 9. Starting an Ms-Word: When you are on the desktop: 1. click the start bottom with the mouse 2. move to the program 3. move in a horizontal direction to fly out menu. …

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Word processing

Word processing is application software that deals with text. It is widely applied on microcomputers. Some examples of word processing packages are: Word Star, Word Perfect, CorelDraw, Power Point, Adobe PageMaker, MS-word etc.

Computer Networking

It can be defined as an act of connecting many computers together for the purpose for exchanging information and data. Each computer on the network is called the terminal, which also has access to resources like data, software and hardware, which are provided by the central computer system. The central computer system is called the …

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This is a system of communication whereby people can exchange discussion without physically coming together. It can be done through the computer, television, radio or telephone. The meeting and discussing through a computer without coming together is also called computerized conferencing.

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