What is a Computer

Computer will rightly be defined as a device that accepts data, performs mathematical or logical that manipulate or change data and finally produces results from that data it can also be simply put as an electronic machine which accepts information through input devices, processes it and gives out the result through the output devices. Any …

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Social Effects of Computer

The social effects of computer are: It has increased employment opportunities. It has increased the extent of the leisure time. It reduces the number of staffs in an organization. It increases the organization turnover. There are limitations on the privacy of individuals these days.

Cybernetic Control

Cybernetic is defined as the science of communication and control in man and machine system. The cybernetic control is then the totality of the way by which the input signal given to a system is sensed by a sensor, returned by a feed back for comparison, errors detected and the output (effectors) then given. It …

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