The Computer Hardware

The hardware is the physical components of the computer itself. Basically, they are things you can touch and see in a computer. They include the electronic components, mechanical arid electro mechanical devices. The major hardware components are: (i) Processor — the central processing units (CPU) where data is processed following an ordered sequence of instructions …

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Features of 5th Generation Computers

Fifth Generation Computers: The architecture of the fifth generation is called Non-Von-Neumann. Feature/Characteristics Large memory High parallel processing Text editing Image processing and reasoning It is expected to a system of information called artificial intelligence (AI) which is called knowledge information processing system (KIPS).

Features of 4th Generation Computers

Fourth generation computers Features/Characteristics They are improved form of third generation. They make use of the integrated circuit called the large — scale integrated circuit (LSI) The LSI was later moved to very -integrated circuit (VLSI) and ultra integrated circuit (ULSI). They have faster memories. They have bigger storage facilities. They use interface friendly facilities. …

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Features of 3rd Generation Computers

Third generation computers (1964-1969) features/Characteristics: Integrated circuits were introduced. There is an improved level of programming language. There is microprogramming. There is an extension of building block concepts and multiprogramming. They are less sensitive and more reliable. They can be linked via the network They use high level language like the COBOL, PASCAL and BASIC …

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Features of 2nd Generation Computers

Second Generation Computers Features/Characteristics: Transistor, diodes and printed circuitry board replace the wire and thermionic valve of the first generation. Human language and multiprogramming were used. Modular blocks concept, which permit systems to be expanded, were introduced. There is real time and time-sharing capability. It has larger instruction sets. It has larger internal memories. It …

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Generations of Computer

First generation computers (1945 — 1955) Features/Characteristics: It was very bulky It was costly It uses vacuum tubes as the basis for budding the logic part of computer. Its performance was very low. The circuit consists of wires and thermionic valves, Magnetic drum is used for primary storage of data. It uses machine language. Examples …

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