Types of Operating Systems

Single use system: This provides operations for only one user at a time. Examples are operating systems on micro-computer or personal computer like CP/M, PC-DOS, and MS-DOS. General purpose system This operate in batch or multi-access mode. During a batch mode, you do not interact with your program when it is running but during multi-access …

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Disadvantages of operating system

In using operating system, any misspelled information creates syntax error which terminates without performing the task required. This is because of the fact that every operating system has a register. Changing from one operating system to another will-cause the user of such to change his application software that will support such operating system newly changed. …

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The Operating System

It is a collection of programs that operates the computer. It can also be said to be a suite of programs acting as an interface between the user of computers and hardware. The operating system normally interfaces with the users application software and hardware to allow the user to enter instructions through the keyboard. Examples …

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System Software

These are set of programs that control the overall performance of the computer. It can also be defined as the set of programs that make it possible for the user to gain access to the computer and perform certain fundamental operations. It is sub-divided into three. (i) Operating system (ii) Utility system (iii) Language processors

The Software Types

Software is a program that helps the computer programmer to solve his problems. They are non-physical aspect of the computer. The computer software is basically broken into two, which includes. (i) System Software (ii)Application Software

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