Ensuring error-free information

It is very necessary that before the output of a processed data is given, it is tested to avoid giving wrong information. This is why the error-free information is introduced. To ensure an error-free result, the following has to be done: Data Control: It ensures that the right data is put in. Data Verification: Ensures …

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Major Steps in Data Processing

There are five main steps in turning data into meaningful information. These are: A. Origination: It is also called data collection. It is putting together the original data and organizing method for handling the source document, which includes verification. B. Preparation: Once the data has been verified, the source document is sorted. Sorting is the …

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Data Processing

It is the term given to the collecting of raw data (facts) and working on it to become information. Different methods of collecting data are: a. Manual method — using human hand b. Mechanical method — using machine without electricity. c. Electronic method — using a computer.


It refers to the basic raw facts and figures about any activity, which have been recorded. Examples of data are: the number of boys in a class, the results of premiership match played etc.


It is defined as the processed raw or data. Information can be presented in many ways. a. Oral forms from one person to another. b. Written forms, e.g. letters; and c. Visual forms in pictures or drawings. For information to be useful, it must be accurate, adequate, correct, useful, fresh and timely.

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