The Hexadecimal Number System

This is used to describe microcomputer operation and programming. It is a base 16 number system. The symbols are made up of the numbers 0 to 9 followed by the letters A to F. the letters A to F stand for the numerical values equal to the decimal numbers relationship between number systems.

The Octal System

Many minicomputer systems are programmed using instructions written in octal form. The base of the octal number system is 8 and it uses numerical symbols from zero through seven (0 -7). That is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Equivalent Binary and Octal Numbers: The table 14.1 below shows all 3- bit binary …

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Binary System

It is a system of number written is base two. The digits in base two are 0 and 1. Conversion from Decimal to Binary (Base 10 to Base 2) Solved Examples Convert 2610 to base 2 Solution 2 26 2 13 R 0 least significant bit (LSB) 2 6 R 1 2 3 R 0 …

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