It is a computer instruction given to the computer defining what action or processing is to be carried out on data. It comprises of expression, assignments and reserved words. Examples are A = 27.57 ‘assignment statement.  

BASIC Constants

Constants are predefined values that do not change during program execution. There are two basic types of constants They are. (i) String Constant: They are alphanumeric characters between 0 to 32, 767 end closed fl double quotation marks. Examples are “BASIC” Jesus is my lord and personal savior” (ii) Numeric Constant: They are positive or …

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Type Declaration characters

The table below shows the type declaration characters, applicable data types and the total number of bytes required for storage in the computer memory. Declaration Character Variable type  Bytes required for storage in memory % INTEGER 2 & LONG 4 ! SINGLE 4 # DOUBLE 8 $ STRING 1 byte for each character in the …

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There are two fundamentals in BASIC programming language. They are: a. Variable (b) Constant Variables They are values of a program which charges during program executions. There are five basic variable types. These are STRING, INTEGER, LONG INTEGER, SINGLE precision and DOUBLE precision variables. VARIABLES NAMING RULES: There are some rules that must be strictly …

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Some of the keywords operations are: The REM Statement: It consist of a statement number followed by the keyword REM and a textual message. It can be achieved using a single quotation mark. Example: 10 REM program to check for user’s password. INPUT Statement: This is used to read data into the computer while the …

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