Voice Mail

This is a system in which a caller can leave a message for someone who is not around to receive the telephone. The message is sent in an analogue form and then converted to digital pieces of information.

E-mail (Electronic mail)

It is an electronic means of sending or receiving mails through the network of computers. It is the fastest means of sending message. An e-mail address is made up of user @ domain-name. An example of an e-mail address is telex humanity @ yahco.com. telex humanity is the user’s name while yahoo.com is the domain …

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Meaning of Internet

It is a global network of computers from all over the world, which enhances and promotes exchange of information within the globe. The user’s are connected to the telephone or cable system through a device known as a MODEM. The most important tool of an Internet is the World Wide Web (WWW). This is used …

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Laws of Boolean algebra

Mathematical analyses of digital circuits are usually performed using Boolean algebra. With it, we can simplify logic functions and minimize the number of logic gates needed in a logic network. Boolean algebra uses the addition and multiplication operation. Subtraction and division are not permitted. Since Boolean algebra is a system of mathematics, there are fundamental …

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The nineteenth century mathematician, George Boole developed Boolean algebra. It is the mathematical technique used when dealing with problems of logical unit. There are many use of Boolean algebra which include: Used in logic design Used as conventional algebra to equate and manipulate variable quantities which are represented by symbols e.g. A, B, C, 0, …

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