Secondary data

Secondary data is the data collected by one organization or data collected by one person and used by another person for another different purpose. Examples of secondary data are: National Population Commission (NPC) data, which is used by other people scientific data kept for future uses, etc.

Primary data

It is a data collected by an organization for a particular purpose. Ways of collecting primary data are: experiment use of questionnaire interview counting measuring weighing. Examples of primary data are: Signing of attendance register in an organization experiment to verily ohm’s’ law etc.

Types and uses of Information

The type depends on what the information is needed for. Organization: Government or non-governmental agencies require information to know about their Workers and for any vacancies. Banks: Information in the bank is used to store and retrieve information about their customers. They have a database, which they log in their customer, data for easy accessibility. …

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Processing of Data

After information has been recorded, it needs to be processed. Processing involves converting data into information. Computer is also the best device for processing data. It processes data by: Reducing the volume of the information. Sorting: the arrangement of the information according to their rank. Calculation: Applying any mathematical operations involved. Summarizing: That is, given …

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