Information Technology

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge in engineering. Information technology is therefore the totality of every system, devices, and components etc, which are applied in the exchange of information between local and international networks of computers. Information technology is characterized by the use following: Data base systems uses Uses of local Area Network (LAN) …

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Characteristics of Good Information

Good Information has the following characteristics: It must be accurate. It is less expensive It is less prone to error It must be transferred through model. It must be complete in form. It has to be relevant The user must understand it. It must be timely. It is not full of ambiguity.

Definition of Information System

A system is a group of things, pieces of equipment etc that is connected or work together. The Information system defined defined as a system, which accepts information, stores it, processes it and gives accurate result as output of the input in a correct order.

Ways of processing data

Data can be processed in the following ways. Manual or Mechanical means: This involves the use of stones, stick, abacus bead, adding machine etc. Electronic means: This is the form of processing in discrete or continuous variable forms using electronic devices.

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