Functions of the subunits of the CPU

a. Control unit (CU) (i) It performs the actual work of computation and calculation. (ii) The operations of arithmetic operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. (iii) Logical operations are AND, OR, NOR, EXOR, EXNOR. b. The Registers (i) They are small storage device used by the microprocessor to hold intermediate results of addition, subtraction …

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The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

This is known as the microprocessor. Its function is handling the interpretation and execution of programs. it is normally a single integrated circuit (IC) chip. The constituents parts of CPU are: (i) Control unit (ii) The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) (iii) Registers

The Storage Unit

This is where the computer res the data it has to manipulate, the secondary or intermediate results, as well as the final results of its operations. The storage unit is also known as the memory Some examples of the storage components are: (i) Semiconductor memory (ii) Disk Drives (iii) Tape drives

The output Unit

The results of computation are made available to the user via the output unit. These include: (i) Visual Display Unit (VDU) (ii) Teletypewriter (iii) Magnetic disk (iv) Tape drives (v) Printers (vi) Plotters (vii) Card punches (viii) Spellers Note also that the digital form from input can be converted to analogue form, hence the need …

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The Input Unit

The input devices supply data needed for calculation as well as the program that tells the computer how and what to do with the data. The standard input units are: (i) The keyboard (ii) mouse (iii) scanner (iv) Digital camera (v) CD drives (vi) Magnetic disk (vii) Tape drives (viii) Joystick (ix) Voice recognition (x) …

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