The People ware

These are groups of people or teams Who may be professionals or ordinary operators who work together or independently to produce both the computer hardware and software. They are: the engineers, computer analysts, computer programmers and operators, graphic artists, book publishers, medical doctors, architects etc.

Types of translators

Compiler It converts or translates a high level language into a machine code or large. It has two phases which includes: translator phase and executor phase. The translator phase converts the whole program into machine language and the execution phase executes the translated code. The interpreter It is like the compiler but the difference is …

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Language Translators

These are programs that convert other programs written in English form to computer readable form. This was introduced since computer understands only binary numbers i.e. 0 and 1 (zeros and one). In this form, any language written especially in English form is then translated by language translator to the machine language which the computer only …

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The Utility Software

It is a set of commonly used programs in data processing department. Functions of utility software It helps in fife maintenance. It enables file to be copied from one medium to another. It helps to convert data from one form to another form. It helps in sorting. Sorting is the arrangement of data in ascending …

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