Types of Flies

(i) System Files: These are files, which allow the computer to work perfectly. (ii) Application Files: They are files from pro rams written to run on the computer for specific tasks. (iii) Data Files: They are generated as a result of using application files or input.

Information Storage

Information storage is the system by which data or messages are temporarily or permanently kept in a storage device for future use. The early computer to support storage of data is the Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer (EDSAC). Computer programs are stored in files. File has different sizes.

Ports and Drive Connectors

These are connectors (Ports) where the external devices can be plugged in. They are routes (like seaports) which data flow between the computer and the attached devices. Examples of ports are: keyboard port, mouse port, monitor port, printer port, serial ports etc.

Expansion Slots

These are different types of slots t are provided on the motherboard to help you add extra features to your PC. Examples of Expansion cards are: Video cards, sound cards, modem cards, network interface cards.

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