Prevention of Virus Infections

(i) Avoid using pirated copies of software (ii) All floppy disk brought from home or received from business associates should be scanned before using floppy scanning work station (iii) Install a real-time anti-virus programs (iv) All system tiles should be backed up daily in addition to data files.

Type of Computer Virus

Different Categories of Virus in the computer environment are: (i) Boot sector virus (BSV) (ii) File virus (FV) (iii) Partition record virus (PRV) (iv) Trojans virus (TV) (v) Macro viruses (vi) Multipartite virus (vii) Stealth virus (viii) Virus in memory

General Remedies of virus

(i) Use the latest version of anti-virus program to locate and identify the virus type and then use the program to remove the virus. (ii) Boot the system with write protected system disk. (iii) Any detected virus riot known by the anti-virus should be sent to the technical support department of the anti-virus company.

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